Headlines Archive

This page contains an archive of all current and past headlines. They are here for archive purposes.

Some past headlines may no longer be relevant. 

pdEnroller & E-Certification become integrated – January 2021
This integration will likely save you time when renewing your certificate through OSPI. Click here for more details...
Read More about pdEnroller & E-Certification become integrated – January 2021
The 2020-2021 School Year Launches with Four New Superintendents in the OESD Region
Kathy Lorton, Queets-Clearwater School District “FULL CIRCLE” says Superintendent Kathy Lorton.  She began her administrative...
Read More about The 2020-2021 School Year Launches with Four New Superintendents in the OESD Region
The OESD 114 Office is currently open by appointment only for selective services.  While we continue to monitor our status...
Read More about COVID-19 UPDATE
Check Out the 2020 High School Art Show!
This year's State Superintendent's High School Art Show will be live streamed on May 28,...
Read More about Check Out the 2020 High School Art Show!
State Recognizes Fifteen Schools in the Olympic ESD 114 Region for Student Achievement
Washington state has re-imagined what school recognition means! State-recognized schools are highlighted for closing gaps,...
Read More about State Recognizes Fifteen Schools in the Olympic ESD 114 Region for Student Achievement
STEM Teaching Tools in Partnership with the University of Washington
OESD’s STEM Coordinator Kimberly Weaver was the lead co-author in two new recently released STEM...
Read More about STEM Teaching Tools in Partnership with the University of Washington
School District Bonds & Levies
Is your school district running a bond or levy measure?  If so, the information below...
Read More about School District Bonds & Levies
Bringing OpenSciEd to Our Region
The OpenSciEd project is impacting science education in many states across the US, including right here in...
Read More about Bringing OpenSciEd to Our Region